So, I just finished watching Steve Harvey's segment on Oprah.
He was on the show, promoting his new #1 Bestselling book "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man".
The book was supposedly written to empower women, and shed some insight into the mind of a man,
and what he's really all about when it comes to relationships, sex and commitment.
Here's my take on it:
Steve stated that men need 3 things: Support, Love and The Cookie (aka hot sex).
He also suggested a 90 day waiting period before doing the deed.
According to Mr. Harvey, if you don't wait 90 days, it won't work out.
Steve says if you change the probation period, you do so at your own risk. "You all keep changing the rules. And men are aware of the fact that you are changing the rules. We're aware of the fact that you act desperate."
So if you have sex before 3 months, you're a desperate woman? Please!
And what rules?? The rules Steve Harvey made up??!!
I don't like games. We are living our lives. There are no rules!!
Now, here's my issue with this:
As women, we DO hold a lot of power. We are strong, nurturing, beautiful beings.
In my opinion, there is nothing weak about a beautiful woman who knows what she wants.
And if she wants to have sex with a man that she's genuinely into, anytime under the 3 month mark,
that should be her prerogative.
If the man that she gave her "cookie" to has a problem with that, and thinks she's easy and the chase is over *ROLLS EYES*
then he wasn't worth your time and energy to begin with!
Now, I'm not suggesting that you should just give it away to anyone at anytime;
I'm just simply stating MY OPINION, and I think that you should use your instincts and feel it out.
As women, we are blessed with great intuition.
If it doesn't feel right, that's because it's wrong.
Plain and simple.
Usually, you can tell if someone is into you.
You know if it's genuinely reciprocated, or if it's just a booty call.
I say, just use your discretion.
Be yourself.
Steve, then proceeded to go into an elaborate explanation about women setting the bar too low, and how they hold all the cards and have all the power.
I agree.
A lot of women don't set the bar high enough.
I feel that your boyfriend (or love interest) is a reflection of you, and how you feel about yourself.
There is no reason why you wouldn't want the best for yourself.
You should be treated like gold.
You should be taken care of.
You should be respected.
A lot of women just take what they can get. They settle.
I think that it's a pretty clear sign of insecurity.
Cherish yourself, and you will be cherished!
That was one of Mr. Harvey's good points.
But then he went on and on about cookies and rules and territory...
I just don't like how Steve Harvey is selling this formula to lonely, single women in America who will eat this shit up!
It takes away from just being real.
So what if your man texts you? That was another thing he said that pissed me off.
He basically said that if your man is texting you, then you have nothing.
"We can text six women a minute. We can text it and push 'reply all.' I mean, since we're lying, we might as well lie to everybody."
Sure, that's true... if you're a dog!
We live in an electronic world. It isn't always convenient to pick up the phone and have a conversation.
I don't think that your WHOLE relationship should be one big text message,
However, I don't think that texting is a serious issue in most cases.
Here's something I agree with:
The Introduction
In his book, Steve says the way a man introduces you gives good insight into the status of your relationship. If a man introduces you as a friend or says your name with no title at all, Steve says you have nothing. "We're very protective. We mark our territory. If a man loves you…he's willing to profess it. He'll give you a title after a while. You're going to be his lady, his woman, his fiancĂ©e, his wife, his baby's mama, something," he says. "If he's introducing you after six months, 'This is…Oprah,' you should be standing there going, 'This is going nowhere.'"
I think the bottom line is this:
Know your worth.
Don't stand for nonsense.
Always be honest with each other.
If you do THESE 3 things, you'll have no problems, and you won't have to buy a book on dating advice, written by a not-so-funny comedian.
If it was Dave Chapelle, maybe I'd buy it, but it's Steve Harvey.
That's mad wack.
amen to that!
HELL YEA!!!! Permission to post this in a note? ffffff!@$#$%^
ReplyDeletePermission Granted!
ReplyDeleteI would just like to know who made STEVE HARVEY a relationship expert? that's all...
ReplyDeletei soooo agree
ReplyDeleteCan we really take advice from a guy who's career revovles around making fun of things?
ReplyDeleteStever Harvey...good comedian.
Professional on relationships? Fail.
I'll take my chances with Oprah lol.